Visiting the Land of Make Believe

The Kindergarten classes kicked off a unit on the land of make-believe by celebrating Read Across America Day. The annual Read Across America Day, started by the National Education Association in 1998 to promote reading, was purposefully aligned with Dr. Seuss’ birthday. As proclaimed by President Biden, “for many young Americans, the path to literacy begins with treasured and timeless traditions: being read to at bedtime, gathering in classrooms for story time, and attending events at local libraries with family and friends. Children’s classics such as Dr. Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham” and “Oh the Places You’ll Go!” have inspired a passion for reading and endless creativity that spans generations.”
Kindergarten students enjoyed making Cat in the Hat masks and drawing a salt and watercolor painting of The Lorax after hearing the stories written by Seuss, pseudonym of Theodor Seuss Geisel, born March 2, 1904. The students then used their math and science skills by creating the Oobleck: the Dr. Seuss Science experiment taken from the book Bartholomew and the Oobleck. The students predicted and tested the outcome of the experiment to determine what would sink and what would float. 
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Finksburg, MD 21048-1823