Gerstell Academy Presents Portrait Leader Speeches and Wax Museum

On Friday, February 21st, the sixth-grade students immortalized their favorite Gerstell portrait leaders in “wax” through a lifelike exhibit of poses designed to educate museum goers on the lives of these special leaders. Parents, students, and faculty attended the exhibit and were captivated by the life-like portrayals.

This first of its kind event, brought to life activists, artists, athletes, explorers, humanitarians, inventors, scientists, and statesmen. Theatre Arts faculty member Mrs. Nan Kaestner served as docent for the exhibit in collaboration with Mrs. Jo Anna Edwards, leadership teacher. The Carolyn B. Smith library served as the venue for the exhibit which provided space for the student actors and their props. The idea was born in leadership class, where the sixth-grade students present a biographical sketch and presentation dressed as the subject of their selected portrait. Students dedicate a portion of their class time researching and learning about their subject, and then begin the creative process. Students also work on their public speaking skills; an integral component of the Gerstell leadership curriculum
2500 Old Westminster Pike
Finksburg, MD 21048-1823